It never ends
Keep Jokes
I'm a non musician who absolutely loves the creativity and magic that is space music. I have been listening to space/ambient music since the mid seventies. I also love live concerts/ performances and the magic that unpredictability brings.
Hello, my name is Nick Mellis. I crave listening and watching this type of music/videos. I’m one of the co-founders of the successful concert series called Cosmic Crossings (or CC). When the pandemic hit it pretty much shut down CC. A friend once suggested he would play live in my newly refurbished garage and then we decided to broadcast it out to the world. Then the pandemic hit and I thought of going 100% virtual. Why stop at just featuring domestic artists when the world (thanks to Facebook) is literally your oyster? So hence the name ( a tip of the hat and salute to Frank Zappa’s Joe’s Garage) and the bliss I help share with the world. The purpose of this concert series is to make people happy. We encourage the artists who play in this concert series to network, sell merch (downloads, etc), and share ideas about electronic music. Upfront I wish a million people watched the music and art being played on this concert series. But this is a genre that is marginalized from the start so our numbers are low but for some the chance to do something with all that equipment that has been accumulated in their studios/bedrooms and basements. I love to give people a chance to strut their stuff musically and artistically. Enjoy!